Quality Assurance-Foodmart Agro Engineering

| Patna, Bihar, India

Every project is carried out according to a specific engineering analysis of the production requirements and involves the Customer, step by step, from the design to the installation. The Company is headed by a team having 12 years of experience in the fields of Design, Development, Manufacturing, and Commissioning of Pneumatic, electronics, and mechanical integrated systems in the packaging sector. Foodmart Agro Engineering treats quality as a way of doing business and leaving no room for error, we have always maintained our quality standards for our different clients. All the products and services are designed keeping the customer requirements in mind. The company's quality control team is willing to go that extra mile to ensure cutting-edge results for your projects just as it has done many times before.

Legal Status: Private Limited Company
Nature of Business
Year of Establishment
Age of Company
0 Years
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